
March 15, 2017by Rock Fit0

The word Metabolism is a popular term these days.

Most of us know that if our metabolism is “slow”, then we’re likely to gain weight.

But how does a person’s metabolism slow down–or speed up–and what does all that mean?

What does Metabolism mean?

The word “metabolism” is used to describe all of the biochemical reactions in your body.  It’s how you take in nutrients and oxygen and use them to fuel everything you do on a daily basis.

Your body has an amazing ability to move, heal, and stay alive.  Without this amazing biochemistry, life itself would not be possible.

Your Metabolism involves how the cells in your body:

  • Allow for activities you can control (e.g. physical activity, exercise, movement,).
  • Allow for activities you can’t control (e.g. heart beat, healing injuries, digestion, processing of nutrients, etc.).
  • Allow for storage of excess calories for later.

All of these processes put together form your metabolism.  You can start to see how these processes can function slowly, quickly, or just right.

This leads us to learning about your “metabolic rate”.

What’s your Metabolic Rate?

Your Metabolic Rate is how fast (or efficient) your metabolism works and it’s measured in calories.

The calories you eat can go to one of three places:

  • Work (i.e. exercise and other activity).
  • Heat (i.e. from all those biochemical reactions).
  • Storage (i.e. extra leftover “unburned” calories stored as fat).

As you can imagine, the more calories you burn, the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off for good.

There are a couple of different ways to measure metabolic rate.  One is the “resting metabolic rate” (RMR) which is how much energy your body uses when you’re not being physically active.

The other is the “total daily energy expenditure” (TDEE) which measures both the resting metabolic rate as well as the energy used for “work” (e.g. exercise) throughout a 24-hour period.

What affects your Metabolic Rate?

Many factors affect how fast, or efficiently, your metabolism works.

The first thing we think of is our thyroid.  The thyroid gland sits on the front of your throat and it releases hormones to tell your body to “speed up” your metabolism.  The more thyroid hormone you produce, the faster your metabolism will work and the more calories you’ll burn.

But that’s not the only thing that affects your metabolic rate.

How much lean muscle you have also affects your metabolic rate!

Larger people have higher metabolic rates; but your body composition is crucial!

Muscles that actively move and lift weights need more energy than fat does.  So the more lean muscle you have, the more energy your body will burn and the higher your metabolic rate will be.

Once you’ve built that muscle, your body will burn more calories–even when you’re not working out (i.e. when your body is at rest).

This is exactly why strength training and weight-bearing exercises are often recommended as part of a weight-loss program.  We want muscles to be burning those calories from fat for you!

Unfortunately, when women lose weight, they often times burn muscle instead of fat.  This causes their metabolic rate to slow down–which is exactly what we don’t want to happen.

Therefore, there’s a need to offset that weight loss from fat by building lean muscle.

The type of food you eat also affects your metabolic rate!

Your body actually burns calories to absorb, digest, and process the food you eat.  This is called the “thermic effect of food” (TEF).

You can use it to your advantage when you understand how your body processes foods differently.

Dietary Fats, for example, increase your TEF by 0-3%; carbs increase it by 5-10%, and protein increases it by a whopping 15-30%.

By trading some of your Fat or Carbs for lean Protein, you can actually increase your metabolic rate!

Another plus to eating protein is that your muscles need protein to be firm and toned.

By training your muscles, and feeding them what they need, you’ll set yourself up for weight-loss success.

What about Stress and Sleep?

Don’t forget about the importance of Stress and Sleep…

Research shows that Stress and Sleep have an impact your metabolic rate.  Stress has zero calories and  Sleep has zero calories.  But, the more stress we have in our lives—the more fat we’re likely to store.  And, the less quality sleep we get—the more hungry and tired we’re likely to be.  This leads to eating more food to make up for the lack of sleep.

Getting your Stress and Sleep in check is absolutely necessary to allowing your body to be as healthy as it can be, which in turn allows you to burn fat and lose weight.

Combining proper Nutrition, Exercise, Stress, and Sleep will result in the stronger, confident, feel-good body you’re looking for.

Ken Diaz Founder, Rock Fit
Ken Diaz
Founder, Rock Fit







P.S. Want a great MetabolismBoosting Recipe that will help you burn fat and build lean muscle?

Sign up below and we’ll deliver this great recipe to you!

June 13, 2016by Rock Fit0

1) Drink Water

Drink 3 liters of water a day, or half of your body weight in ounces. Yes, drinking water from a pure source like an uncontaminated spring is the best kind to drink, but finding and having access to water like this is next to impossible.  Drinking filtered tap water is the next best option.  It isn’t a perfect option, as tap water contains all kinds of things that may not be healthy for you.  Relatively speaking, when compared to drinking soda or sweetened drinks, tap water is almost always the better option.  The important thing to remember here is that man-made sweetened drinks, at best, do nothing for your body and, at worst, make you gain weight.

2) Eat your Protein

Chicken and fish are your best bets for lean animal protein.  However, don’t overlook other lean cuts of meat, such as pork chops.  Red meat, on occasion, could also be good for you—especially if it’s organic grass fed beef.  It all depends on your family history with cholesterol and your own personal ideas on eating red meat.  At Rock Fit, we personally feel occasionally eating red meat can be very healthy for you.  If you’re a vegetarian, consider eating 3-4 eggs daily, as well as supplementing with protein powder.  A good way to determine your proper serving size for meat is to eat as meat as the size of your fist.

3) Eat your Vegetables

Vegetables contain much-needed vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that will satisfy your body’s need for nutrition.  Veggies also contain lots of fiber relative to sugar.  There is not a food out there that has a better fiber to sugar ratio when compared to vegetables and herbs.  These phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber are all powerful weapons against feeling hungry and having cravings.  Having 6-10 servings of vegetables is ideal to keep hunger and cravings at bay, when you’re dieting to lose weight.  Try purchasing a Greens powder to supplement your daily intake of vegetables and help you reach 6-10 servings.

4) Lower your Carb / Sugar Intake

Many people consider this tip to be the most important one for losing weight.  Yes, it is true that we need small amounts of carbohydrates (sugar) for good health. However, the amount of added sugar we eat is far more than what we need.  A good rule of thumb for losing weight is to avoid or minimize processed food and you will minimize your sugar intake.  Just focus on eating real, whole food.  The more processed a food is, the more sugar it probably has in it.

5) Eating Herbs and Spices

Adding herbs and spices to foods will help your body function optimally.  Some great examples of potent herbs include: Ginger, cocoa, pepper, turmeric.  A little goes a long way in helping your body function well.  In turn, your body will be able to burn fat and lose weight more effectively.  Plus, these herbs and spices have high levels of anti-oxidants that can help you reduce your risk for Cancer and slow down the effects of aging. Cinnamon, in particular, is one the most powerful anti-oxidants known to man. You don’t need much to give you these benefits.  Simply use a variety of them in your meals and in your cooking.


P.S  If you’d like to feel more confident about your body and step into Summer without the extra pounds, then check out our 28 Day Fitness Challenge! We’re accepting applications by July 2nd. 
Ken Diaz Founder, Rock Fit
Ken Diaz
Founder, Rock Fit

May 9, 2016by Rock Fit0


On our most recent video on YouTube we talked about which supplement women should take to lose weight effectively and get more energy throughout the day.


(In case you missed the video, you can watch it here)


We’d like to continue talking about “Best Supplements For Women“, but this time about Protein – why you need it, daily intake, hormone in-balances, when to take it, and which protein powder is the best.


If you’re already working out with weights or thinking about joining a fitness program, our advice is to always take protein powder, before or after your workout, to replenish the muscles, and especially if you are lifting weights.


To lose fat and shed weight we need a certain amount of protein. Protein helps us become fat burning machines–and protein powders are highly recommended for women that work out using weights.


To learn more about protein powders, watch the video above.



Ken Diaz Founder, Rock Fit
Ken Diaz
Founder, Rock Fit
P.S.  If you feel sluggish, and struggle to get up and get moving in the morning, then check out our 28 Day Summer Fitness Challenge. We’re accepting applications by May 30th.